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Characters and Combat Starships and Spacetravel Worlds and Adventure
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Science Fiction Adventures in the Far Future

The Original Traveller Universum (OTU) was explained with three books of rules. Their subtitles are "Caracters and Combat", "Starships" und "Worlds and Adventure"

siluettes of two characters

half deckplan, two ships in combat

Worldmap and mindmap

All posts about characters, patrons, ships, vehicles, equipment, adventures, locations and backgrounds are assigned to this three categories and found in the submenu of the same names. Other unasignable posts about Traveller are found here, except pictures and diagrams, that are not part of a specific Traveller posts: They are in the Visual-category. It is reasonable that there will be more categories later. (i.e. IMTU, Amber Zone)

Logo Norris Blue





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Last Changed 2015-08-09

Tested with Internet Explorer 11 und Firefox 39.